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| def greet(first_name, last_name): print(f"Hi {first_name} {last_name}") print("Welcome aboard")
greet("Stone", "Purple") greet("Stephen", "Curry")
Types of Functions
1 2
| 👉 1 - Perform a task 👉 2 - Return a value
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| def greet(name): """ Type 1 function """ print(f"Hi {name}")
def get_greeting(name): """ Type 2 function """ return f"Hi {name}"
message = get_greeting("Stone") file = open("content.txt", "w") file.write(message)
python return None by default.
Types of Arguments
Keyword Arguments
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| def increment(number, by): return number + by
print(increment(2, by=1))
Default Arguments
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| def increment(number, by=1): return number + by
所有 optional arguments 应该在无 default value 的 argument 后面
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| def multiply(*numbers): total = 1 for number in numbers: total *= number return total
print(multiply(2, 3, 4, 5)) print(multiply(4, 5, 6, 2, 5))
打包 keyword arguments 成 dict 给函数体调用
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| def save_user(**user): print(user) print(user["name"])
save_user(id=1, name="John", age=22)
1 2
| {'id': 1, 'name': 'John', 'age': 22} John
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| message = "a"
def greet(name): message = "b"
greet("Stone") print(message)
因为 Python 将 greet 函数内的 message 视为 local variable,尽管它与全局变量同名。
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| 👉 F9 -- 设置断点 👉 F5 -- 开始调试 👉 F10 -- 下一步 👉 F11 -- 进入 function 内单步 debug 👉 Shift+F11 -- 退出 function 内单步 debug
VSCode Tricks (Windows)
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